Thursday, February 19, 2009

30 assignments in 5wks! They're nuts! lol

Classes started yesterday but I had the chance to start early which is good b/c 3 classes is a bit much to keep up on. My plan was to finish the 1st 3 assignments this week that are due monday but I've only finished one so far lol. Even though it's only a 6 day break between sessions (classes) you fall out of the school mode quickly and it's hard to get back into the groove of things again. I figure if I complete the 1st 3 assignments before tomorrow I can hopefully finish the next ones that are due friday. If I can figure out how to do them :( But I'm staying hopeful and continue to try to get ahead or be on time. 5wks go by so fast but this session I really need it to go slow so I have more time to work on these lol.
I just found out my dad is up here from Iowa :) This time he's coming to my place instead of me driving out where he's staying. It's a nice change. So I'm putting the bird in the oven (as soon as I can get past the gross part of taking gizzards out yuck!) . I have a very weak stomach lol. Well, time to get my house ready and then back to homework :( Almost done though yay!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tomorrow the virtual campus doors open to give students a chance to look at the upcoming assignments and see if the teachers are too demanding or not lol. After reading a little of the World Literature book I received, I soon realized truly how long it's been since I've had to write papers about the meanings of the stories, poems and plays. I'm hopeing these 3 classes aren't as bad as I think they will be. My ast session draws closer and closer and I'm not sure if I'm ready to be bombarded by large papers I may have to write. Many sleepless nights to come, I think.
I have also been thinking about what I am going to do when school is done. I know I'll be searching for work in this field (Accounting) but I wont be busy with homework , and won't be logging into school every day. I think I'm really going to miss the deadlines and the rush I get from worrying if I'm going to get the papers done on time, having so many to do at once, and getting the final grades at the end of that struggle. Yup, I'm a nerd! Well, it's 8am I'd better enjoy my last day before school resumes again... Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Warm Weather! Ahhh so nice

I was so cold yesterday morning that my hands couldn't move the shifter in my car but around 2pm I ventured out and low and be hold it was warm! I went to let Herbie out this morning and it's even nicer out. I got to have a cup of coffee outside and I loved it. Nothing really exciting going on lately accept I will be graduating very soon! Even though my next 5 week session is quite scary looking with 3 classes (30 assignments and 30 live chats ) all in only 5 weeks to do all that work, I'm still very excited to be graduating. Out of this entire time at school I have only 3 grades I don't like but at this point I passed them . I'm hoping that World Lit class will easy and interesting, some of the information in the book has Ernest Hemmingway and Emily Dickenson which love their poetry. But My management class and Accounting 2 class seem a bit scary. Hopefully the assignments aren't very big since I have to do a paper per day just to keep up with all of it.
See with all that information above... nothing interesting lol But to me it's very exciting! :) I was talking to a a good friend from school and we both agree that even though we're so tired from all this homework and some sleepless nights, we are really going to miss all of this craziness and miss having access to the outside world. But it's all worth it!